Physical Address

26 Wetheral Road Owerri, Imo. Nigeria

What Does GTS Mean in Text?

“GTS” is a handy abbreviation. It stands for “Go To Sleep,” a friendly nudge or a way to say goodbye before bed. But there’s more to “GTS” than just bedtime talk. Let’s explore the different shades of “GTS” in texts.…


What Does ISTG Mean in Text?

“ISTG” is a popular one. It stands for “I Swear To God,” a phrase used to express strong feelings or emphasize that someone is telling the truth. Let’s decode “ISTG” and see how it’s used in different texting scenarios. What…

What Does MB Mean in Text?

“MB” pop up in a message and scratched your head, wondering what it means? In the world of texting, where we often use shortcuts, “MB” is like a quick note saying “My Bad.” It’s a breezy way of admitting a…

What Does DW Mean in Text?

What Does DW Mean in Text?

Have you ever seen the letters “DW” in a message and wondered what they mean? Well, “DW” is like a quick way to say “Don’t Worry” when chatting with friends. It’s like telling someone to relax or that everything will…